Wednesday, February 8, 2017

New year! 2017

It's final year and half year left til graduation. Chinese New Year just passed so it's time for me to go back to settle all my thesis stuff. So annoying but I need to get it done !
I need someone to motivate and stressed me out to get things work. What a shame~ always get lazy and I could actually sit in front of the TV whole day. Know that it's unproductive but still doing it 🙄
Tonight has a gathering with the gang, and next day morning will be leaving to KL. It's time to get apart again. Hate this feeling. Keep thinking am I going to go through this later when I work. Will I work in Penang or will I work else where? 😔 Money matters~
It's Malaysian culture problem that "manja" me to be so spoon-feed isn't it? Everything need to be arranged , need to be pushed, so useless! Omg~ another problem is blaming others instead of ownself. One of my friend told me that, making me aware that I really act that way. Thus, every time when I try to speak on someone, I reflected.
So ! Should jump off from my comfort zone and slap that butt to work out stuff! Hmph! Right!

I had attended a few gathering last week. It's really nice to meet all of them up. So so so appreciate we still could update each other and talk like last time ! It's hard to gather everyone but at least we gathered. That's enough though~ as I'm not sure if could still have those attendance later on. 🙊

Owh ya had started my 2016 unfinished resolution on 14th Dec2016 😂 -- to workout everyday, then let's see the result 3 months later. It had been almost 2 months, not really have any effect on the weight reading ~ but just tummy not that protruding, those thighs get fitter and muscular. Anyway, should try harder 😛 to fit in my suite 😉 That motivating suit! Wheeeee~

Let's get thing done Sui Sui and perfect kay! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻